
We are interested in individuals who will actively join us in advancing our mission and goals. We are looking for individuals who are committed to making a difference, committed to the growth, the personal and professional development of these tweens and teens we serve. We want reliable individuals who are willing to give their time and effort to support our organization.



The program aims to empower young women to dream more, lead more, and learn to do it together. We link girls to women mentors of character and women dedicated to changing their community. They focus on building lasting positive relationships with our girls. The program is a yearly weekend retreat. The aim is to make the best match possible, pairing a mentor with a mentee sharing similar interests with the volunteer, or whose needs match with the mentor’s skills and experience. Mentors must be at least 25 years old. No experience is required, but must have a willingness and dedication to be present for our girls. The prospective mentor (volunteer) participates in a thorough interview with our program coordinators.
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Are you or do you know a young lady between 11 and 18 years old who could benefit from participating in a program that offers a mentoring and overall support system for those who participate? If so, please click the button below to complete our online application. Feel free to share with anyone you think may be interested.
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The GIRLS Group is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to empowering tween and teen girls. Through our programs we address personal, career and financial development, along with health care issues and relationship building. We are currently seeking volunteers who are interested in making a difference in the lives of the tween and teen girls that we serve either with our fundraisers or the programs.
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